Limmud Oz Policy
Limmud International is a global movement and has articulated principles to guide organisers of all Limmud events, acknowledging that local circumstances may result in these being applied differently in different places.
Limmud Oz Melbourne operates across multiple Jewish communities in Melbourne and in line with Limmud International principles, has made great progress in bringing together a broad cross section of people engaged in Jewish life and issues. To continue that progress, Limmud Oz Melbourne has developed the following additional principles:
Limmud is a forum for broad engagement and for people to express and encounter diverse and challenging views on all issues pertaining to Jewish life and community, including political views about Israel. However Limmud Oz Melbourne will not schedule sessions where the committee views that the presenter does not come to Limmud to engage in constructive dialogue.
Limmud is based on the idea that engagement and discussion are preferable to exclusion and silencing of views. However, Limmud Oz Melbourne reserves the right not to support the double standard of our event being used as a platform by people who, in other settings, refuse a platform to or refuse to share a platform with Israelis or people associated with Israeli institutions.
The Limmud Oz Melbourne committee is conscious of the need to bring balance to the program, and makes every effort to invite and accept speakers who represent a diverse spectrum of views. Acceptance of presentations will take into consideration the number of submissions on a theme and the need to provide a diverse program that maintains a standard that will engage participants in the festival, and will uphold the reputation of Limmud.
The committee will consider all submissions with reference to the policy.
The committee reserves the right not to schedule a session and all decisions are final.
The acceptance of presentations by members of the committee is not to be taken as an endorsement of, or sympathy with, the views of its presenters.